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The Transformation of the Healthcare industry through Data Science

Did you know that when it comes to the healthcare sector, there exists umpteen amounts of data therein? To be precise there exists about 50 petabytes of data and this data is predicted to grow substantially in the near future. There are experts who say that the data will reach close to 25,000 of petabytes by the year 2020. This clearly shows that the healthcare industry is almost spearheading in the field of collecting data, which basically is made up of various clinical records, medical care, compliance and regulatory requirements and so on.

The good news here is that the application of data analytics, especially in this field has increased manifold and is almost parallel to the growing amounts of data. This is why more and more data analysts and data scientists are employed herein who are supposed to derive insights from this enormously useful data. What worked in the favor of health sector was the fact that there was a lot of accuracy in the identification of the associations, trends and patterns which help empower the system of data analytics and similarly increase the possibility of saving more lives.

This data so collected is put to use by supporting of a wide range of health services as well as in the taking of clinical decisions, the management of the population, disease detection, and pharmaceutical research and so on. These developments will almost always have a positive snowballing effect as in the development of a sound healthcare plan. As the information of public health care widens, the professionals working in this field can go ahead and filter out the various types of public data and bring out the best and the most useful of all. This in addition to the various data analytical methods is why today a lot of medical practitioners have been able to work with huge amounts of unstructured data as well as to actually figure out insights within them.

Nowadays, most of the official data that people usually work with, comes from the information systems that are in place in the hospitals. These information systems refer to electronic medical record systems, laboratory information systems, picture archiving and communication systems, radiology information system, clinical decision support system and many more. While these systems do happen to be the source of all the data, but at the same time there also exists the various machines and medical devices that help in the gathering of the data.

These machines could range from an ECG machine, the data from the blood banks as well as the data that is gathered from various search engines and so on. Apart from just being able to handle data efficiently, one major thing that has happened which has greatly transformed the healthcare sector, is the process of disease detection. Today we are able to not just detect diseases but also help in the prevention of the same. This has all most definitely happened owing to the kind of technology that data science has given us.

There are many data scientists who have gained their knowledge either on their own or have gained it through various professional training institutes like Imarticus Learning.